CrossFit: Is It Suitable for All Ages?

The average group visible in fitness videos tend to range in age from their late teens to early thirties, so that’s the age group usually associated with fitness work. But that’s not the sole demographic of people who want better mobility, greater strength and more stamina. Every age group benefits from regular physical exercise, and CrossFit focuses on using movements that are natural to everyday living.

The Younger Side of the Scale

Children don’t need to focus on building incredible strength at the age of 6. But they can benefit from regular physical exercise that gets them used to using their body as they grow older. They need very little encouragement to be active—children are energetic and ready to expend that—but may need guidance on how to enjoy activity without hurting themselves.

As CrossFit is an adaptable, sliding-scale program, it’s easy to adjust it to a younger person’s needs. Starting a program of regular physical exercise gives a child a good start on excellent health early in life. With supervision, there’s no reason that a child can’t perform suitably modified versions of adult exercise and it will help them develop stamina, muscle and cardiovascular health.

Maintaining Mobility

Bodies wear down as we age; this is a fact of biology. However, when your body is in better shape, the aging process has less of a wear and tear than it would if your body has been poorly cared for. CrossFit is accessible to people of any age. One focal point of CrossFit is that it’s designed to help people maintain functional capacity past the prime of life.

Rather than focusing on producing star athletes who reach their thirties and begin to slide into decline, CrossFit helps maintain that level of mobile ability and functionality. It can help you gain that level even if you’ve never focused on a fitness program in your life. The versatility of CrossFit and how it can be adjusted to create consistent improvement in any age group is what makes it so popular.