Strength Training – Not Just for Bodybuilders

Olympic Level 1When you think of strength training, what comes to mind? Is it the image of a bulky bodybuilder type doing an Olympic-style lift or straining to curl an enormous dumbbell? That’s certainly one type of strength training, but it’s definitely not the only one. In reality, strength training is something that anyone can do – and everyone can benefit from it.

What is Strength Training?
Strength training, or resistance training, is exercise designed to strengthen your muscles. Unlike cardio exercise, which gets your heart pumping faster, strength training provides strain to specifically targeted muscle groups. Your muscles get stronger over time by repeatedly facing and overcoming resistance. By working up slowly and consistently to apply greater and greater resistance to your muscles, you can boost your strength.
Weight lifting is one common strength training exercise. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and burpees also work this way, using the weight of your own body to provide resistance to your muscles. There are also resistance exercises that use things like rubber bands to provide resistance and strength training.
Why is Strength Training so Important?
Weight lifting isn’t always about bulking up. In fact, many people – including the majority of women – will not achieve any visible muscle bulk as a result of strength training. However, you will enjoy many other benefits including:
• More muscle tone, providing firmer muscles rather than flab in areas like the arm, leg and abdomen.
• Better bone density and strength, helping to prevent osteoporosis and other problems with aging.
• Improved metabolism. Fitter bodies with more muscle tone will also be more efficient at utilizing calories, aiding in weight loss.
• Boost stamina. You will have an easier time completing high-impact cardio if your muscles work efficiently and without soreness.
Strength training is an important and fun part of any workout regimen. If you’re ready to experience the power of strength training today, contact ICWA to learn how to get started!