The Art of Exercise Science

The human body is basically the same from person to person, isn’t it? Tendons, ligaments, muscle and bone all form the structure that we all live in and utilize. Does this mean that every exercise plan will work the same, regardless of who uses it?

Not at all!

Where the unique patterns come into play is lifestyle, individual styles of movement and the results desired. No two people have the same range of movement or want the same result from their exercise. That’s why we put so much effort into assessments to determine what exercise plan will be most beneficial for each client.

Different Exercises Have Different Effects

Knowing that a push-up will work a different muscle group than a sit-up is almost common sense, but knowing the different sort of weight lifts to work biceps, triceps and deltoids? That requires knowing anatomy, exercise physiology and kinesiology. The art of finding the right exercise for a different client’s need involves knowing how the body works, where this body needs help and how to guide that client in reaching their goals.

Don’t Struggle! Just Get Help!

Many people will attempt forming their own exercise plan and end up giving up or hurting themselves. If you want a particular result, why not ask an expert to help you reach that goal? If you need to improve your health, consult with someone who has trained to improve the lives of others through exercise.  Get the most out of your time and effort; let ICWA assess you and your needs and construct a plan that will get you the results you want from the art of exercise!