Why Fad Diets Don’t Work…and What Will

There are more than a million reasons why you may want to lose weight. There are also more than a million ways to go about weight loss. Over the years, countless fad diets have cropped up promising fast results. The problem is that those results are short-lived. For healthy, lasting weight loss, you’re better served going about it the old-fashioned way: healthy eating and exercise.
Continue reading Why Fad Diets Don’t Work…and What Will

Lift Pounds to Lose Pounds

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. That’s easy enough to understand. But how you go about burning those calories is where many people are still in the dark. Most people think that cardio is the best (or only) way to burn enough calories to start shedding pounds and losing inches…but it’s not. Lifting weights is a great way to lose weight because it’s effective and less time-consuming. Continue reading Lift Pounds to Lose Pounds

Nutrition and Its Role in Weight Loss

200464164-001When it’s time to lose weight, working out is a vital part of your new lifestyle plan. However, just hitting the gym won’t be enough to shed pounds. You’ll need to change your nutrition in order to get the scale moving in the right direction. If you’re feeling frustrated by a lack of progress at the gym, here are a few things you can change with your diet to boost your results. Continue reading Nutrition and Its Role in Weight Loss