Why Fad Diets Don’t Work…and What Will

There are more than a million reasons why you may want to lose weight. There are also more than a million ways to go about weight loss. Over the...

Stop Making These Five Weightlifting Mistakes

Olympic weightlifting is excellent exercise to build muscle, develop strength and improve athletic performance. However, you won’t see any of those gains if you’re doing it wrong. These are...

Soreness vs. Injury: What’s Normal, When You Need Care

When you start Olympic weightlifting training at ICWA, or any other exercise program for that matter, you’re going to “feel the burn.” But it’s important to pay attention to...

Lift Pounds to Lose Pounds

To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. That’s easy enough to understand. But how you go about burning those calories is where many people...

New Olympic Weightlifting Classes Starting This Month!

Olympic weightlifting is an exciting sport all on its own, and it’s also used in training for a variety of other athletics. In other words, it’s a great discipline...

Myth: Weightlifting Makes Women Look “Manly”

At ICWA, we believe that there’s an athlete in everyone. We also know that athletic performance can be improved by weightlifting. Unfortunately, many women are discouraged from beginning a...

Don’t Give Up on Your New Year’s Resolution. Make it SMARTer!

The New Year is now 1/12th of the way over. How are you doing with your New Year’s Resolution? If you made a resolution to get in shape and...

Now Is the Time to Work on Your “Beach Body”

It may be bitter cold outside, but summer season is just a few short months away. If you want to look good in shorts and swimsuits this year—and feel...

Easy Ways to Stay Active during Winter Holidays

What’s not to love about the holidays? You get to spend time with family and friends, enjoy cozy fires, eat decadent foods and an array of sweet treats…but that...

How to Enjoy Guilt-Free Holiday Eating

Eating and the holidays just go together. Huge meals shared with family are part of the tradition, but that’s why it’s so challenging to stick to a diet come...