Is CrossFit Right for Me?

Lifting Weight

New exercise fads show up constantly and it can be difficult to decide if they’ll actually do what they promise or if you’re risking injury by following the directions. CrossFit, with the changing exercise routines and high intensity focus, may not seem like the right exercise method for you. But there’s more to CrossFit than just intensity.

CrossFit Can Be Personalized

No one starts their exercise program already in top shape. The entire purpose of CrossFit is to increase your athletic ability and help you reach better fitness. CrossFit programs can be adjusted to suit your fitness level and gradually intensified to let you achieve your fitness goals. With the right trainer, you can work on your strengths while improving your weaknesses.

CrossFit is a Time Saver

It’s hard to find time for consistent workouts when you lead a busy life. And an effective workout that takes an hour is easier to schedule into your daily routine than one that could take two or more hours. CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that condenses a lot of exercise into a brief period of time. This will give you more hours a week to use for more important things.

CrossFit Provides Results

There’s no such thing as instantaneous results from an exercise program. Muscle takes time to develop, fat takes time to burn. But CrossFit’s high intensity focus and variating exercises that work your body in a way that standard repetition doesn’t. CrossFit has shown to result in decreased levels of body fat and increased aerobic capacity.

Results don’t happen overnight, but CrossFit’s variating, adjustable workouts could be the right workout to give you the results you want! Ask for more information at ICWA!